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Why I should quit Chinese goods & services

We, the Indians are in deep trouble with the Chinese attack. I will explain the multi-dimensional attack on us is as follows;
China has being showing the aggrandisement on poor and middle income countries dispensing the egalitarian policies. China is giving loans unnecessarily on high rate of interest these countries, there by pushing in to debt trap. China is no more a Communist country. It is purely a capitalist country.

China has disputes with the many neighbouring countries, including India. It has recently tried to occupy the islands of Vietnam. With regard to India, it has created border disputes in Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Utterakhand. Truly speaking, Tibet is their occupied territory. Hence, China don’t have boarders with us. But, earlier our Public Representatives could not pointed it out because of various reasons. We need to strengthen our country and our leaders to raise voice against China.
China has recently instigated Nepal in the issue of Kalapani, Limpiadura,etc areas. They have made the prime Minister of Nepal mere a puppet by sanctioning economic assistance. Culturally Nepal has been part of India. For many needs Nepal is dependent on India. This Divide and Rule is more cruel than British Rulers.
China has been developing because of it’s massive production skills. It has saved Trillions of Dollors. Instead of saving poor Countries, China is pushing them in to Debt traps. They are doing uneven business with many Countries. Always Balance of Trade is in favour of China. Many indigenous Industries were closed across the Globe, including India. This has created unemployment problems everywhere. Many of our industries are closed or in doldrums. The money accumulated by China in the form of Balance of trade is many Billions. It is a vicious cycle.We need to understand it.

China had been always tried to instigate Pakistan on us in different forms to bother us. They also support the maoism throughout Our country and support the extremists in the North -East.

When there is all out attack on our country from China in the form of providing Goods and Services cheaply ( Neo-colonialism), we the youth are simply sitting idle. It’s attack on the self respect of our Country. We were not United ,when British occupied us and became slaves. Are we want to become slaves again?
I urge all of you to remove the Chinese Apps from your phone. It’s not enough take at least 5 phones of your friends and remove the Chinese Apps.
Regarding the Goods , do not buy the Made in China or Made in PRC goods. Prefer the local goods. It will create the virtuous cycle in our country. It will create Livelihoods, increase our GDP,strengthen our industries.
If you are buying the goods and Services of Chinese means you are strengthening them to occupy our lands, businesses, and many things. You are wasting the efforts of our leaders, Military forces.
Wake up and #boycottchinaapps and #boycottchinagoods for the wellbeing of our country men .

There will be many hurdles in fighting against this. The CEO, Google is Indian, but he can’t influence the decision of not removing the app ,which removes the Chinese Apps from the Google play store.

At this juncture, we need to establish our own companies. Our entrepreneurs need to think on this lines to save our Country.

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Why I should quit Chinese goods & services Reviewed by on . We, the Indians are in deep trouble with the Chinese attack. I will explain the multi-dimensional attack on us is as follows; China has being showing the aggran We, the Indians are in deep trouble with the Chinese attack. I will explain the multi-dimensional attack on us is as follows; China has being showing the aggran Rating: 0
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