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Tree Plantation

Sustaining saplings

Sustaining the saplings is difficult task than planting. But, there are prescribed ways to sustain them. It starts at the stage of selection of site and sapling as follows :

1. The plant should be healthy and hale for the sustainability. The cut plants and unsuitable plants to soil won’t sustain.

2. The site of plantation of saplings should be dig properly till the original soil appears. Soil with rocks, bricks , debris and plastics doesn’t ensure the sustainability of saplings.

3. The pit of plant should be big ( padhu in telugu ) allows water harvesting . This method allows the moisture for more days, ensuring sustainability of sapling.

4. While planting, the soil should be mixed with red and black soils.It ensures the nutritional equilibrium.  Vermi compost should be added to ensure moisture content.

5. After filling the soil in the pit, it should be tighten with legs. It ensures the sustainability.

6. Watering should be ensured regularly  till the saplings get the new leaf.

7. Where water is not adequately available,  drought resistant saplings should be selected for ensuring sustainability.

8.The saplings should be planned in the area where protection and guarding fecilities are available like compound walls, tree guards, etc.

9. Where protection is not available,  the saplings not grazed by animals should be planted.

10. The plantation of saplings should be planned during the rainy season. Rainy season ensures the sustainability naturally.

11. Tall plants shall be planned for the avenue plantation.

12. Care should be taken to fall of sun rays on the plants. Saplings planted under the big trees and shadow areas generally won’t sustain.



Tree Plantation Reviewed by on . Sustaining the saplings is difficult task than planting. But, there are prescribed ways to sustain them. It starts at the stage of selection of site and sapling Sustaining the saplings is difficult task than planting. But, there are prescribed ways to sustain them. It starts at the stage of selection of site and sapling Rating: 0
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