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Dragon fly

Dragon Fly is a wonderful insect that eats the mosquitoes. The larvae of Dragon fly eats the mosquitos larva. Thus , its capacity to control the mosquitoes is amazing. While i was working in Suryapet, i observed that fact that in presence of Dragonflies, the mosquitoes were almost zero in the compost yard too.

In telugu it is called Thuneega. In nalgonda and Khammam district it is known as Thooniga. In Adilabad district it is known as Booga.

They like to live near water bodies , where trees and plants are available. Hence, we have to conserve tanks and establish greenary in and around it.

As per the 2nd reference ,
male Dragon flys vigorously defend territories near water; these areas provide suitable habitat for the larvae to develop, and for females to lay their eggs. Swarms of feeding adults aggregate to prey on swarming prey such as emerging flying ants or termites.

Vegetation and its characteristics including submerged, floating, emergent, or waterside are also important. Adults may require emergent or waterside plants to use as perches; others may need specific submerged or floating plants in which to lay eggs. Requirements may he highly specific, as in Aeshna viridis (green hawker) which lives in swamps with the water-soldier, Stratiotes aloides.The chemistry of the water, including its trophic status (degree of enrichment with nutrients) and pH can also affect its use by dragonflies. Most species need moderate conditions, not too eutrophic, not too acid;a few species such as Sympetrum danae (black darter) and Libellula quadrimaculata (four-spotted chaser) prefer acidic waters such as peat bogs, while others such as Libellula fulva (scarce chaser) need slow-moving, eutrophic waters with reeds or similar waterside plants.
Female dragonflies lay eggs in or near water, often on plants. When laying eggs, some species go under the water to lay their eggs on a good surface. The eggs then hatch into nymphs. While in the nymph stage they eat mosquito larvae and other things.

As per the reference 1st cited,
Dragonflies, one of the oldest known insects, are attracted to boggy, wet areas and are often found hangking around garden ponds and fountains.

Female dragonflies lay their eggs in muddy or wet areas. Nymphs hatch in about three weeks and will live in the water for almost two years. Dragonflies are very sensitive to air pollution, so if you have a large number of dragonflies, it may be a good indication that your air quality is good.

How to Attract Dragonflies

When attracting dragonflies to the garden, experts recommend installing a pond that is at least twenty feet in diameter for best results. A pond of this size will support all stages of dragonfly development. A depth of two feet with shallow, sloping sides allows a place to plant water-loving vegetation. The pond is best if positioned in a sunny location. Don?t put fish in your pond, as they feed on nymphs and will hinder your efforts to support the dragonfly population.

In addition to a pond, you can implement a small bog or rain garden, especially if you have areas of the yard with poor drainage that are prone to standing water. You can also install several 3-foot stakes, about 6 feet apart throughout your garden. The winged beauties will land on these stakes, using them as a perch. Avoid using any pesticides or bug zappers in your garden.

What Plants Attract Dragonflies?

A wide variety of plants is best to support a thriving dragonfly population.

Submerged vegetation such as dwarf sagittaria, which grows well in USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 10, is a great option as it provides a place for nymphs to rest and seek food.

Floating plants that are not rooted under the water are also necessary for any dragonfly habitat. Females will lay their eggs on the underside of the plant or on the stems. The Western water lily is hardy in USDA zones 10 and 11 and fanworts, which will grow in USDA zones 6 through 11, are attractive options.

Emergent plants are those that are rooted on the bottom of ponds but have stems and leaves that rise out of the water. Dragonflies love these plants because they use them during both nymph and adult stages. Water horsetail grows well in USDA zones 4 through 11 and is a lovely dark green emergent plant that has a hollow stem with a few branches.

Shoreline plants also provide adult dragonflies with a place to hide and hunt. Also known as marsh plants, shoreline plants thrive in moist soil and include such plants as arrowhead, in USDA zones 4 through 10, and the popular cattail, which thrives in USDA zones 2 through 11.

Add Water Plants

Dragonflies breed in water because their young, called nymphs, need hiding places. That’s why water plants play an important role in the dragonfly environment. When they’re ready to become adults, dragonfly nymphs climb water plants as a platform for their inaugural flight. Adult dragonflies also like places to perch, which makes tall, wispy water plants the perfect complement. You can find a wide assortment of water plants at garden centers and online. Choose submerged plants, such as eelgrass, fanwort, baby pondweed and sago pondweed. You can also add floating plants, such as hardy and tropical water lilies and lotus flowers, to help reduce algae in your pond.

Hence, I request to create the suitable atmosphere for breeding and sustainability of the Dragon flies, so as to control mosquitoes naturally .

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For more details on attracting the Dragon fly, Read the bolow links.

1. http://www.miraclegro.com/smg/goART3/Howto/how-to-attract-dragonflies-to-your-garden-rose-%26-flower-gardening/27700052

2. http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/beneficial/attracting-dragonflies.htm

Dragonflies Reviewed by on . Dragon fly Dragon Fly is a wonderful insect that eats the mosquitoes. The larvae of Dragon fly eats the mosquitos larva. Thus , its capacity to control the mosq Dragon fly Dragon Fly is a wonderful insect that eats the mosquitoes. The larvae of Dragon fly eats the mosquitos larva. Thus , its capacity to control the mosq Rating: 0
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